Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Good News Reflection FOR NEXT SUNDAY: July 4, 2010 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle C

Good News Reflection
FOR NEXT SUNDAY: July 4, 2010
14th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle C
Parish bulletins, faith-sharing groups, RCIA:
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Next Sunday's Readings:
Isaiah 66:10-14c
Ps 66:1-7, 16, 20
Gal 6:14-18
Luke 10:1-12, 17-20
USCCB Podcast of the Readings:
In next Sunday's Gospel reading, Jesus tells his disciples to ask the “Master” (God the Father) of the “harvest” (conversion to Christ) to send out more “laborers” (evangelizers). And in the next breath, he tells them that THEY are the laborers and that they must get busy: "Go on your way," he says.
When you think of evangelizers in the Catholic Church, who comes to mind first? Most people think of priests, and we all know that we need more priests. New vocations in Western societies are still way too few to compensate for the elderly ones who are retiring and dying.
Do you pray for an increase of vocations? Good, but that's only part of what Jesus is asking for. "Go on your way," he says to ALL of us, "and use YOUR gifts, YOUR talents, and YOUR skills to assist in the harvest.
Jesus has always been collaborative. The number of laborers for the mission of the Church will only be sufficient when we all join the effort – clergy, religious, AND laity – working together with our separate and unique talents and skills, humbly assisting each other as members of the same team.
To reach this sufficiency, many of us have to overcome the "someone else will take care of it" attitude. Others have to overcome the desire for perfection, the "I can take care of it better myself" attitude, which robs others of the opportunity to serve.
Many who are in leadership have to overcome the fear of losing control, the "I must tell others how to do their job" attitude, which chases away some very talented laborers. Jesus said we should carry no supplies into ministry; we should accept whatever is offered to us.
Our prayers for an increase of consecrated vocations are answered from within collaborative ministry. Clergy and religious have to be good role models to attract new vocations, but the laity have to serve God with the same zeal and holiness that we expect from them, because out of families who serve come the holy priests and religious who serve.
Questions for Personal Reflection:
Which ministries in your parish and diocese are lacking sufficient laborers? If you're not already busy in the work of God's kingdom, how can use your talents to help there? If you're already serving enthusiastically, how can you encourage others to get involved?
Questions for Family & Community Faith Sharing:
Name some of the attitudes and obstacles that block the spirit of collaboration. How can these be overcome? What will you do to improve the conditions of the mission field so that more people will get involved?
STARTING ON MONDAY, if you're a member of the "Emmaus Journey" e-group, share your answers by writing to EmmausJourney@gnm.org
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© 2010 by Terry A. Modica
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