Friday, June 25, 2010

Good News Reflection FOR NEXT SUNDAY: May 30, 2010 Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, Cycle C

Good News Reflection
FOR NEXT SUNDAY: May 30, 2010
Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, Cycle C
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Next Sunday's Readings:
Proverbs 8:22-31
Ps 8:4-9 (with 2a)
Rom 5:1-5
John 16:12-15
USCCB Podcast of the Readings:
What don't you know that you hope God will reveal to you? What have you been asking Jesus to tell you that is still unanswered? What don't you understand or agree with in a teaching of the Church? In next Sunday's Gospel reading, Jesus explains that there is more he'd like to tell us but we can't handle yet.
Why aren't we ready for it? Because we have to first let the Holy Spirit prepare us. We have to let God transform something within us, and until we surrender to that process, the truth is more of a burden than a blessing and we readily reject it.
Everything that Jesus said and did came from the Father through the Holy Spirit. God gave us that same Spirit, that same Wisdom, that same Truth, but the gift is useless unless we submit to the Spirit's purifying activity.
Of the Trinity, it's the Father who forgives sins. It's Jesus who delivers the forgiveness. And it's the Holy Spirit who sanctifies us and empowers us to go and sin no more.
In the confessional, the priest is the presence of Jesus and the whole Body of Christ (the Church). Absolution, as an action of his Holy Spirit, is more than just the removal of guilt; it replaces the sinful vice with the virtue that will help us avoid that vice in the future. The Sacrament of Confession is a direct contact with the Holy Trinity who embraces our repentance and transforms us to increase our holiness.
Humility is necessary to be teachable and transformable. The unanswered questions in our lives become personal revelations when we earnestly seek to do the Father's will in unity with Jesus while growing in holiness through the in-dwelling presence of his Holy Spirit.
Questions for Personal Reflection:
Write a list of questions you have for Jesus. What do you have trouble understanding? After making the list, ask the Holy Spirit to become your Teacher. Ask Jesus to help you become teachable.
Questions for Family & Community Faith Sharing:
What gift of the Holy Spirit do you find most helpful in guiding you through life's difficulties? How does it help you to figure out and/or do the Father's will?
STARTING ON MONDAY, if you're a member of the "Emmaus Journey" e-group, share your answers by writing to
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© 2010 by Terry A. Modica
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