Tuesday, April 28, 2009

How to increase your joy!

Good News ReflectionWednesday of the Third Week of EasterApril 29, 2009
Today's Memorial: Saint Catherine of Sienahttp://wordbytes.org/saints/DailyPrayers/CatherineSiena.htm
Today's Readings:Acts 8:1b-8Ps 66:1-7aJohn 6:35-40http://www.usccb.org/nab/readings/042909.shtmlAudio:http://ccc.usccb.org/cccradio/NABPodcasts/09_04_29.mp3
How to increase your joy!
I love how the Bible describes, in today's first reading, what happened when Philip did the works of the Lord: "There was great joy in that city", which is also translated as: "The rejoicing in that town rose to fever pitch." In the responsorial Psalm, we read: "Shout joyfully to God!" I hope that if you hear this in Mass today, the lector doesn't make it sound like an obituary. Oh if only we could feel free to behave like real Christians! God is so awesome, we should be whooping it up, even in church! Even if we do look like idiots.
No wonder Christianity doesn't appeal much to non-believers. They don't see us enjoying our faith. Privately, we know the benefits, but do our faces show it? Do we rejoice more than we complain? Do we convey to the world that God is bigger than our problems? Do our attitudes communicate that faith is more fun than disbelief?
What holds us back from openly showing our excitement about being a follower of Christ? Are we afraid that others will ridicule us? How silly! We go to sporting events and whoop it up like there's nothing more exciting on earth, and we don't feel embarrassed there. Is a game more worthy of joyful shouting than God is?
In today's Gospel passage, Jesus assures us that all who follow him will receive eternal life. That's something to get excited about. Imagine the joy that's in heaven. Could it be so wonderful that all the saints are whooping it up (including your deceased relatives and friends who used to be so subdued in church)?When we openly display the joy of our faith, we evangelize ourselves! No matter how bad things get, we still have much to be grateful for. In the midst of sufferings and the drudgery tasks of daily life, we need to focus on what is good and joy-making. When we remember to praise God, we enter into gratefulness, and then the burdens of our troubles become lighter.
Psychologists have proven that smiling reduces stress. Medical doctors have discovered that laughter heals. If you need healing, if you need renewal, if you need to be lifted up out of misery, have a praise and worship service — just you and Jesus and your guardian angel as you sing along with a CD or iTunes of joyful music.
Whatever happens in your life today, give yourself permission to have a spiritual party. Rejoice! Give praise to God for his goodness. Even if you have to go outside or lock yourself inside the bathroom, SHOUT JOYFULLY IN PRAISE OF GOD! See if that doesn't at least make you giggle.
© 2009 by Terry A. ModicaFor PERMISSION to copy any of my reflections, go to:http://gogoodnews.net/DailyReflections/copyrights-DR.htm
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