Thursday, February 26, 2009

What kind of fasting does God want?

My audio of this reflection is podcast at:
Good News ReflectionFriday after Ash WednesdayFebruary 27, 2009
Today's Readings:Isaiah 58:1-9Ps 51:3-6, 18-19Matt 9:14-15
What kind of fasting does God want?
In today's Gospel passage, Jesus seems to contradict the Church's teaching about fasting for Lent. Since the "bridegroom" is with us every day in the Eucharist and in many other ways, the implication is that we should not be fasting.
To understand what Jesus is really saying, notice how God describes fasting in the first reading.
There are two reasons to fast: One is to deny ourselves of something we value, as a penance for our sins, and the other is to provide to others something they value.
Fasting as a penance for our sins is beneficial. However, doing good deeds for others accomplishes much more than we gain by fasting from good meat, good candy, or good fun. Our sacrifices for Lent should benefit others, not just ourselves.
Walking with Jesus means that we fast the way he fasted. What did Jesus give up for Lent? His life!
His Lenten journey began when he went into the desert and resisted Satan's temptations. Afterward, he gave up his old lifestyle for a new life of service. He gave up the comfort and familiarity of remaining in his own home. He gave up a good reputation when the persecutions began. He gave up his time in order to feed those who were hungry for his teachings. He gave up his own will when the Father asked him to do what he didn't want to do.
But what about the need to improve our self-discipline and overcome selfishness by practicing self-denial? Isn't this why the Church asks us to fast for Lent? Yes, and this is very important! This is our own desert experience. Jesus fasted from food and other physical comforts during his desert temptations.
When we want to overcome temptations, we should definitely fast to improve our self-discipline, but this is only the start. We are called to take our holiness out into the world. We are called to minister to others.
What's the bottom line, the core reason for any of our sins? Lack of loving. If we knew how our sins would hurt others — if we could really envision all the damaging affects — we would feel too horrified to commit the sin. The problem is, we don't take the time to examine how harmful our sins are until the deed is done and we react to its consequences.
The kind of fasting that God desires from us is proactive, not reactive. Doing good to others is a spiritual discipline that purifies us, increases the flow of love, and overcomes our selfishness without anyone getting hurt.
Today's step on the Lenten journey: Find someone who needs a gesture of love today and do something good to him or her.
© 2009 by Terry A. ModicaFor PERMISSION to copy any of my reflections, go to:
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