Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The joy of loss

Good News Reflection
Tuesday of the Sixth Week of Easter
May 11, 2010

Today's Readings:
Acts 16:22-34
Ps 138:1-3, 7c-8
John 16:5-11
USCCB Podcast of the Readings:

The joy of loss

In today's Gospel reading, Jesus says to his disciples, "Because I told you I'm going back to him who sent me, grief has filled your hearts."

We're afraid of loss. It's very unpleasant, and yet, it's the only way to move forward in our relationship with God. It's a dark hallway that leads us from the past to the future, from one stage of spiritual growth to a higher level, from discipleship as a student of Jesus to apostleship as a messenger empowered by the Holy Spirit.

Loss hurts because it's painful to be separated from what used to be. We'd rather cling to what's familiar. We cling to the past so that we don't have to move forward into unknown territory. We cling to our own ideas of what our lives should be like so that we won't risk disaster in the unknowable outcomes of life's challenges.

Jesus said, "But I tell you the truth, it is better for you that I go." It is better because then he could send us his Holy Spirit. We must let go of the familiar in order to experience the greater gift that God has in mind for us next. We have to move on to move up.

Although grieving is important and necessary, we cannot afford to let it control our decisions. God should be in control. Our decisions will either hold us back or move us forward. Both directions will impact our lives and the lives of uncountable others.

Remember that God wants what's best for us. He's implementing a wise plan for our benefit, but not only for us. God works for the benefit of everyone. Therefore, when we refuse to travel from the old to the new, we not only prevent ourselves from discovering more of God's awesome love, we also get in the way of God's love for others.

The Holy Spirit gives us help and comfort when we pass through our losses, but only if we accept the help instead of cursing the changes. Then we can grieve with joy. Huh? That sounds like a contradiction! Well, look at how Paul and Silas handled their imprisonment (in today's first reading). Surely they grieved when they were arrested, when their wounds throbbed, when their chains locked them into the darkness of the dank prison. Yet, in their trust of the Lord's love, they were able to sing joyful praise. The result: The power of the Holy Spirit shook the very foundations of the prison and sprung open the doors.

In the Holy Spirit's love, no matter what's imprisoning us, we can sing hymns such as today's responsorial Psalm: "Your right hand saves me, O Lord." (In biblical terms, the "right hand" means the power of God.) Try it! Praise God so greatly that it shakes your world.

© 2010 by Terry A. Modica
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